tirsdag, august 30, 2005
M. Ueshibas indre vej
Samklang med universets helhed – en synsvinkel gennem M. Ueshiba.
Fra Aiki-news # 56
Den menneskelige svaghed har brug for den vej som aikido anviser.
Universet og menneskeheden er eet legeme. Men den kendsgerning at mennesker
rummer muligheden for at blive eet med universet, og samtidig ikke formår at nå denne enhed er hans ulykkelige tilstand.
Den tavse bøn har kun det ene formål at gøre jeget eet med det guddommelige.
(Aikido som selvforsvar er at gøre sig eet med sin modstander. (Enhed med den individuelle Ki. I den betydning som M. Ueshiba her omtaler aikido drejer det sig om at gøre sig eet med universet. Dette er Aikido med Universel Ki)
I enheden mellem vor verden og moder natur, er ven og fjende eet.
(Dualiteten er vilkårene. Venskab og fjendskab ophæves hvor de erstattes af empatisk medfølelse for alle levende væsner. Det betyder uforbeholden respekt.)
Moder natur kaldes ”udkrystalliseret visdom”. Menneskets formål er at gennem hjertes medfølelse at hjælpe de fysisk svage.
(Ueshiba fortæller nu om hvordan han besejrede en 7 dan kendo udøver og hvorledes
hans krop blev oplyst af det guddommelige)
Verden har være fyldt af budo mestre, men de er forsvundet igen fordi de ikke havde tilstrækkelig øvelse i budos sande ånd, oprigtig kærlighed og kampen mod egoet.
Ved således at indbefatte det universelle princip, og modtage Himmelen og Jordens Ki, når jeg forener hele det menneskelige legeme, opdagede jeg den subtile dybde i Aikido, som manifesterer en sådan stor kraft og opnåede enheds princippet med Universet.
Alt efter at jeg har rejst ad denne vej, opdagede jeg at menneskelige påvirkninger mere og mere er blevet en forhindring, så jeg rejste til Tokyo og nu trukket mig tilbage til en gård i Iwama. Det bevirker at påvirkningerne fra andre mennesker er formindsket og jeg er i stand til at bringe mig selv i samklang med universet.
Problemer med vor tids mennesker som er fysisk svage er at de ikke er i stand til at overleve i en verden som stemmer helt overens og helt uden begær. Jeg vil derfor introducerer min egen daglige rutine, som jeg tror kan være en stor hjælpe for de fysisk svage.
Tidligt om morgenen, før daggry kl. 4.00 står jeg op og udfører straks e misogi (renselses ritual), ved at overhælde hele min krop med koldt vand. Så går jeg barfodet uden for og beder mod den østlige himmel.. ”Knytter min Ki sammen med universet. Jeg hilser og forbinder mig med hele skabelsen. Det er når jeg bliver eet med hele univetest og indbefatter og indånder Himmelen og Jordens hellige lærdomme. Min form, når jeg står foran Universets helligdommen, er en tilstand af harmoni med Himlene og Jorden.
Man kan også bruge metoden Kotodama. Det er en intonering af 75 rensende formkraft ord (mantra)
Gennem Kotodana, bliver mennesket eet med planter og træer. Her er mulighed for at opleve den højest mulige glæde i livet. En gælde som ikke kan sammenlignes.
(Denne tilstand må imidlertid ofres – vi bør ikke fanges hverken i egoet dybeste helvede eller i selvets højere himmel. Denne tilstand må gives tilbage til alle levende væsner som lider)
Derefter gik M. Ueshiba til den lokale Shinto Helligdom og bad – med tiden tilsluttede flere og flere denne handling. Dette er Tenchi - Enhed mellem Himmel og Jord.
M. Ueshibas indre skolingsvej – er i sin ydre form præget af Japansk kultur arv – men den indeholder også noget transkulturel.
Jeg blev en gang spurgt om det at dyrke aikido, betød at man måtte antage buddhistiske eller andre orientalske tros opfattelser.
Jeg e svarede at lige i aikido findes der japanske e kulturelle impulser, på samme måde som når man spiller fodbold så har vi visse engelske impulser.
I mit eget arbejde søger jeg at skelne mellem ydre konfessioner og så transkulturelle impulser. Jeg personlig kan ikke deltage i M. Ueshias den japanske nation og den kejser institution og andre konfessioner.
På den anden side ser jeg heller ingen forskel på M. Ueshibas ”natur mystik” og så det der i vor tid søges realiseret i et holistisk og økologisk menneskesyn, som når alt kommer til alt ligger meget tæt op af Shintoismen og ønsket om at spidritualiserer biosfæren.
Hvad angår de buddhistiske elementer – så betyder Bodhi – jo blot det at søge oplysning – eller visdom – og en Buddhist er som sådan bare et menneske der søger indsigt i menneske sindets mysterium. Buddhismen er for mig at se det første forsøg på at afklare menneskets individuelle sjæleliv. At undersøge årsagen til al lidelse og smerte og at finde en vej ud af denne problematik. Som sådan er buddhisme hverken mere eller mindre det første systematiske selvhjælp system eller terapeutiske metode.
Dens svar ligger i loven om årsag og effekt – om tese – antitese og syntese – eller karma og reinkarnation.
Søger man i de kristne esoteriske traditioner og hos rosenkreuze, gnostikerne, katarerne og manikærne, vil man opdage at disse ”kætterske” kristne fænomener, ikke adskiller sig væsentligt fra det man finder i den muslimske Sufi og i den mosaiske kabbala.
Vejen til den universelle og usekteriske skolingsvej ligger imidlertid meget længere fremme og meget højere oppe end de fleste tro. Og man kan og skal ikke forvente at nogen skal gå denne vej. Men en begyndelse er taget, når mennesket opdager, at uden hjælp fra Sesnei som selv arbejder esoterisk vil arbejdet være forgæves og spild af tid.
Enhver ryu og dojo har sit ene punkt – sit æteriske centrum i samklang med en universelle Ki. Kan eleven ikke bringe sig selv i samklang med dette ene punkt, vil han hurtig forlade dojo eller ryu. Dette er bedst for ham selv, for han spiller derved ikke sin egent tid – sine med studerende og Senseis tid.
De almene e tre trind i elevens udvikling er følgende:
1) At arbejde for sig selv og med sig selv.
2) At arbejde for andre og med andre.
3) At arbejde for skolen
I øvelsespraksis betyder det følgende:
For det første at komme i kontakt med den Universelle Ki Det er i mig og jeg er i det Det er opvågning til selv erindring. Delt opmærksomhed. Dobbelt rette opmærksomhed. Mødet med tærskelens vogter og vor egen dobbeltgænger.
For det andet at skabe et esoterisk netværk blandt åndsfæller, uden identifikation, hinsides alle ydre organisatoriske, kulturelle og konfessioner.
At etablerer et punkt i et permanent punkt. Med permanent punkt menes her ren idekraft som ud far sig selv er i stand til at skabe funktionelle begreber og dermed levende idealer
Hvad end der er tale om Mahatma Gandhi, M. Ueshieba, Matrin Luther King eller Nisson Mandehla så ser jeg disse åndsmennesker som udtryk for den universelle og usekteriske kristus impusl, hvad end de etnisk er inder, japaner, afrikaner eller amerikaner – Yogi, Budo, Politiker eller Prædikant.
mandag, august 29, 2005
Findes aikido?
George Ledyard. Fra Aiki blog.
Under denne polemiske overskrift rejser George Ledyard en række aktuelle spørgsmål.
Hvad er aikido? Er det blot en række teknikker som ligner hinanden og som måske kan ledes tilbage til traditioner i Japan eller Korea?
Nogle mener at Aikido er Ueshiba familiens opfindelse og ejendom og at Aikikai Honbu Dojo i Tokyu er verdens center for Aikido.
Men længe før O´senseis lærer om Aiki blev offentlig udbredt – var der forskellige tendenser og retninger og ledende Honbu Dojo Cho, så som Tohei, sensei, Saito, sensei og Nishio, sensei skabte selv deres egne skoler.
De lagde vægt på forskellige sider af Aiki – våben, helse eller meditation.
Den religiøse og Shinto orienterede tendens hos grundlæggeren Ueshiba, forsvandt ret hurtig efter hans død og hans søn og andre dreje den bort fra det mystisk religiøse og over med det rent tekniske.
Da Tohei, sensei forlod Aikikai, dannede han sin skole mere i retning af Tempu Nakamura, end det som stammede fra grundlæggeren. Hermed opstod Shin shin toitsu Aikido.
I dag er aikido en række af forskellige kompositioner som hver for sig vægter det tekniske, det åndelige og det helse mæssige på hver sin måde.
Begrebet ryu, skole eller stil er fro mange aikidoka noget man ikke kan lide at tale om, men hvad var Saito, senseis ”Iwama” og Nishio, senseis ”Toho Iai” andet end en ryu, selv om hverken Aikikai HQ og de respektive sensie aldrig ville anerkende
Da aikido i tredje led blev spredt over hele verden, var det fordi der var kommet flere senior lærere til eller Shihans selv om de ikke bar nogen officiel anerkendelse fra Japan. Den japanske dominas blandt Shihan og Sensei svandt også ind. Aikido begyndte at blive farvet ud fra forskellige zoner og regioner.
Den ”autentiske” forbindelse til Aikikai HQ, synes mere at være en sentimental relation, end udviklingen af aikido.
Siger man at man udøver Aikido, svarer det til at man spiser Kinesisk mad. Men hvilken kinesisk mad? Sichuan, Hunan, Shanghai, Peking eller hvilken aikido? Yoseikan, Yoshinkan, Shudokan, Aikikai eller KNK- men det betyder intet – det handler om den enkelte Sesnei i sin organisation – eller organisationen i organisationen Men det handler om at finde det som passer ind i den individuelle relation.
Det seneste led i denne udvikling er Yosigasaki, senseis dannelse af KNK.a.i.
Pandoras boks er åbnet.
tirsdag, august 16, 2005
mandag, august 15, 2005
The spiritual mantra AEIOU was known to all ancint cultures. In the orient as Kotodama - in the North in the Runes and in the Eurythmy.

The land of the ancesters
holds the hearth of this home
and the heart of this life
Names - OTHALA - ancestral property, OTHAL - property, ETHEL - homeland property, ODAL - nature or inborn qualityPronunciations - "othahlah" "othahl" "eh thel" "odahl"
Phonetic Value - "O"
Symbolism - The Ancestral Home
Keywords - Heredity
The symbolism of Othala can be found in the way this pictogram is said to depict a roofed dwelling and as such, is an expression of heredity and inherited wealth, property, or land.
It may be significant to note that the "roof" pictured in Othala rests upon the rune of Gyfu, which is the rune of an exchange of gifts betwen people. This perfectly conveys the message of Othala as something built upon mutual exchange and satisfaction. This is, of course, the foundation for all happy homes.
Phonetically this is another of the runes with almost no remaining root meaning preserved through centuries of language evolution in present day words. Perhaps the similarity in sounds betwen "Odal" and "hotel" may serve as a reminder of the essential meaning of this rune as a roof over ones' head, but certainly this comparison falls short of conveying the fuller meanings of heritage and inheritance essential to the understanding of this rune.
Othala is the rune of the sacred enclosure, the homeland, the village, the homestead.
It is the family group, its' customs, lands, and language as well as the duties and responsiblities that go along with maintaining family ties.
Othala is the "inherited" wealth that comes from ones' ancestors and their customs and way of life as well as any property or physical attributes that are passed down from one generation to the next.
Othala represents the wise management of family assets or the loyalty to ones' family or kin.
This rune also represents leadership in clan or family matters and may refer to an elder or patriarch/matriarch such as a grandparent, or in business matters, a founding father of the company.
Magically, Othala can be used to invoke a solid and peaceful family or group life, or to generate continued growth and prosperity. It can also provide a link to ancestral wisdom through inherited natural skills and abilities.
This rune may be worked to protect, increase, or establish an inheritence or heritage intended for future generations. With this intent many magical efforts may come under the purview of Othala including teaching, mentoring, or other methods of passing along accumulated wisdom, knowledge, and tradition.
In Divination it will reflect those things having to do with family inheritances or traditions and can represent any of the following forces.
OTHALA UPRIGHT:Heritage, inheritance, a house, a home, birthland or homeland, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values, spiritual and physical journeys, safety, increase and abundance.
OTHALA MERKSTAVE: Disinheritance, lack of customary order, moral decay, banishment, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism.

Danger and force
I do face
and win
Names - URUZ - the auroch, URAZ - the auroch, UR - ox, bison, UR - drizzle, rain, AURUZ - Primal force, strength.Pronunciations - "oo rooz" "or ooze" "oawr" "oowr" "oawr ooz"
Phonetic Value - "U"
Symbolism - The Aurochs (A kind of ox)
Keywords - Strength
The shape of this rune is said to symbolize the auroch which was a wild ox, very large and very fierce, resembling the Longhorn of the western Americas which stands in conformation (much like the lines of the rune itself) taller at the shoulders than at the hindquarter, so what you should be able to visualize when you see the staves of this rune is the body of a very large, very strong beast.
Since this is a pictogram of only one beast, many see Audhumla, the great primal cow, who literally "licked the whole world into shape" out of the dripping rhime resulting from the primal match of fire against ice. She was the "shaping force" and was the source of sustenance for this cosmic giant "Ymir".
Uruz is therefore associated with primal spiritual and creative forces, (primal meaning first or original) something like the "mana" of Polynesian traditions, or the Sephiroth of Chockmah in the Mystic Kabbalah. Uruz refers to vitality, strength, or a vital essence.
Phonetically, this rune represents the sound "ur" as in the beginning of the word "urge". Now does this mean that "urge" is derived from the rune "ur"?, maybe... maybe not. Some would certainly argue that this is indeed so, and if nothing else, thinking of urges when you think of Ur won't lead you very far astray from the core meaning of this rune, particularly when considering strong or irresistable urges.
This rune represents dynamic force always straining to be free of containment. It can also be associated with protective forces, similar to the auroch, particularly in defense of one's territory or children.
This primal strength is demonstrated in tales of mothers endowed with superhuman abilities when their children are threatened, like a story of a mother who lifts a heavy vehicle off her child, just as it is also demonstrated in any heroic tale of rescue that finds people tapping primal strengths they didn't even know they possessed.
Magically this rune is a formative or protective force, unmanifested in and of itself, but which can shape things to come. The Runemaster or Vitki may, with practice, learn to direct this force much the same way a lion-tamer learns to direct the fierce beasts in the ring, with the knowledge that it can be dangerous and though controlled, it is never domesticated.
Essentially, the power of this rune can be called to direct or augment, with additional strength, an already manifest force. So, Ur can be added to augment Tyr making for a very strong spear, or as an addition to Fehu bringing very great wealth. Of course, this then means that the warning that this is not a tame or domesticated force must always be kept in mind. When wild forces are unleashed, unpredictable results occur and you wouldn't call upon Ur to bring a breeze unless you really wanted a tornado.
In divination it can represent any of the following forces.
URUZ UPRIGHT: (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) Physical strength, potential, energy, health, freedom, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom, sexual desire, masculine potency.
URUZ MERKSTAVE: Weakness, obsession, abuse, subjugation, sickness, inconsistency, ignorance, lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.

By my sword
and by my magic
I am defended
Names - ELHAZ - elk, ALGIZ - protectionPronunciations - "ahl has" "ahl gaz"
Phonetic Value - "Z"
Symbolism - The Elk
Keywords - Defense
This rune is a symbol used to signify victory through active defense.
Pictographically, this rune is symbolized through a representation of the splayed hand, the horns of the elk, a swan in flight, or a divergance or convergence of paths or forces.
This rune can also be seen as the godhi or gydhja in the attitude of addressing or invoking the gods.
Phonetically, "Algiz" may not be too far from a pronunciation of the present day "elk" but this shouldn't fool you into thinking these words share a common root. Language has changed much over time and a root connection between these words has been entirely obliterated, if it was ever there in the first place.
The Gothic word "alhs" or sanctuary is also associated with this rune. In this case the implication would be seeking the active defense of another outside agent.
If you aren't afraid of reaching pretty far afield to find phonetic relationships, you may be interested to note that The Old English name, "elk-sedge" is a kenning for sword. It represents a two-edged blade, but the reference to "sedge" or tall grass serves as a reminder that danger can often lurk in the tall grass and it is wisest to "look before you leap".
Elhaz is a reference to active defense or defensive actions as differentiated from passive defenses like structural or natural barriers. Elhaz evokes participation in defensive behavior.
Elhaz can be used to strengthen magical power and luck, as well as the personal physical stamina of the life force.
Used on its own it can be a rune of protection and can be used against all hostile forces, however, because this rune is associated with active defense more than the passive kind of defense reflected in Thorn, it is not usually employed on it's own, but rather, in conjunction with other runes or talismans.
Magically this rune can be used to enhance all defensive actions or to undercut the defenses of an enemy. In a similar way it can be used to raise alertness to danger, or lull an enemy into a false sense of security.
Elhaz can be used to repel present danger and hostile forces and can also increase alertness to and awareness of danger not yet present.
This rune can also be used to channel energies appropriately, sharpen your instincts, keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned.
In divination it can represent any of the following forces.
ELHAZ UPRIGHT:Protection, a shield, shelter, security, defense, warding, guardian, awakening, repellant, valor, bravery
ELHAZ MERKSTAVE: Hidden danger, failure, misuse, warning, weakening, vulnerability, unawareness, surprise attack, false security, cowardice

I wait
and the mystery within
is contained and revealed
Names - ISA - ice, EIS - ice, IS - ice, ISS - icePronunciations - "ee sa" "iess"
Phonetic Value - "I"
Symbolism - Ice
Keywords - Stagnation
Isa is an "elemental" rune and a direct reference to the element of water in it's frozen state, or ice. It's form (the single vertical stave) can be seen in nearly all of the other runes and is meant to symbolically represent an icicle.
This particular rune presents one of the easiest pictographic representations and we have yet to meet anyone who cannot see the image of an icicle in this rune.
Phonetically this rune is also easily transferred through the ages with meaning still intact, "ice" and "Is" have managed to retain root meanings despite the many other changes in human languages throughout the eons. This is not often the case with many of the other root meanings of the runes.
Isa is associated with the rhime-giants, the Hrimthursar and the wisdom of age. Ice can be considered "static" as many do, however, ice whether one is speaking of the rune or of actual ice, is a mysterious and surprisingly fluid substance.
The shaping power of Isa is reflected in the mythos of Audhumla, the primal cow who formed the world by licking the melted ice of creation to create the world, which brings dynamic, formative overtones to this rune as a shaping force.
This is the primal ice, the icy stream (or glacier) that flows from Niflheimr. This glacial image should also convey the power of Isa to shape other things the way a receding glacier can shape the canyon walls as well as the ability of Isa to be formed into different shapes due to the influence of other things.
Isa can bring things to a halt, or place something in suspension. But, the mysterious flow of the glacier is also inherent in Isa as it is related to the primal stream. Ice can also be an expansive force or one that crushes anything caught in its grasp.
Ice can provide a bridge over an expanse of dark water or a dangerous trap, this is also true of Isa which can be used to provide pathways out of or over otherwise unnavigable circumstances. It is self-contained, and as such has the power of control and constraint.
Magically, Isa has the power to suspend or destroy, but it also holds the power of preservation. Workings with Isa can run the gamut from protection, to banishment, to providing pathways which would otherwise be unavailable without the magical power of Isa to make solid footing from fluid substances.
Because Isa is representative of a temporary elemental state it cannot be expected to remain unchanged forever. Indeed, ice can break up at very surprising and unexpected times resulting in sudden danger. For this reason it should be used cautiously.
In divination it can represent any of the following forces
ISA UPRIGHT:Challenge, creation, frustration, suspension, preservation, standstill, delay, reinforcement, force, destruction, clarity
ISA MERKSTAVE (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Dullness, blindness, dissipation, treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.

Danger and force
I do face
and win
Names - URUZ - the auroch, URAZ - the auroch, UR - ox, bison, UR - drizzle, rain, AURUZ - Primal force, strength.Pronunciations - "oo rooz" "or ooze" "oawr" "oowr" "oawr ooz"
Phonetic Value - "U"
Symbolism - The Aurochs (A kind of ox)
Keywords - Strength
The shape of this rune is said to symbolize the auroch which was a wild ox, very large and very fierce, resembling the Longhorn of the western Americas which stands in conformation (much like the lines of the rune itself) taller at the shoulders than at the hindquarter, so what you should be able to visualize when you see the staves of this rune is the body of a very large, very strong beast.
Since this is a pictogram of only one beast, many see Audhumla, the great primal cow, who literally "licked the whole world into shape" out of the dripping rhime resulting from the primal match of fire against ice. She was the "shaping force" and was the source of sustenance for this cosmic giant "Ymir".
Uruz is therefore associated with primal spiritual and creative forces, (primal meaning first or original) something like the "mana" of Polynesian traditions, or the Sephiroth of Chockmah in the Mystic Kabbalah. Uruz refers to vitality, strength, or a vital essence.
Phonetically, this rune represents the sound "ur" as in the beginning of the word "urge". Now does this mean that "urge" is derived from the rune "ur"?, maybe... maybe not. Some would certainly argue that this is indeed so, and if nothing else, thinking of urges when you think of Ur won't lead you very far astray from the core meaning of this rune, particularly when considering strong or irresistable urges.
This rune represents dynamic force always straining to be free of containment. It can also be associated with protective forces, similar to the auroch, particularly in defense of one's territory or children.
This primal strength is demonstrated in tales of mothers endowed with superhuman abilities when their children are threatened, like a story of a mother who lifts a heavy vehicle off her child, just as it is also demonstrated in any heroic tale of rescue that finds people tapping primal strengths they didn't even know they possessed.
Magically this rune is a formative or protective force, unmanifested in and of itself, but which can shape things to come. The Runemaster or Vitki may, with practice, learn to direct this force much the same way a lion-tamer learns to direct the fierce beasts in the ring, with the knowledge that it can be dangerous and though controlled, it is never domesticated.
Essentially, the power of this rune can be called to direct or augment, with additional strength, an already manifest force. So, Ur can be added to augment Tyr making for a very strong spear, or as an addition to Fehu bringing very great wealth. Of course, this then means that the warning that this is not a tame or domesticated force must always be kept in mind. When wild forces are unleashed, unpredictable results occur and you wouldn't call upon Ur to bring a breeze unless you really wanted a tornado.
In divination it can represent any of the following forces.
URUZ UPRIGHT: (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) Physical strength, potential, energy, health, freedom, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom, sexual desire, masculine potency.
URUZ MERKSTAVE: Weakness, obsession, abuse, subjugation, sickness, inconsistency, ignorance, lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.
torsdag, august 11, 2005
Kotodama - the spiritual word
The Harmony of the spheres or kotodama in the light of the occident and the orient - as found in aikido by M. Ushiba and in the eurythmy by R. Steiner.
The spiritual word or mantra of AEIOU and the first sound of A
The Italian philosopher PYTHAGORAS (500-580 BC) founded a school where mathematic was one of the mane disciplines. However mathematics was for him only formulas of rhythm and tones.
The word was just the manifestation of THE MUSIC OG THE SPHERES.
As such all manifestations in the universe, nature and man, was the result of mathematical and geometrical laws – or spiritual words or imaginations.
The Law of 3
In the occident the alphabet describes a number of letters – from A to Z or from Alpha to Omega.
Transcultural human based this understanding on the Law of tree. AUM in India and IAO in greeck
The Hebrew talks of the Thre arcane mothers – Aleph, Shin and Mem.
Aleph (A) as a sound coming from the troth. Shin (S) coming form the teats and Mem (M) as coming from the leaps.
The sound A was to the Hebrew the sound of Air – Shin was the sound of firer and Men the sound of water.
In transculural concepts the Law of tree was known as Brahma, Vishnu, Siva in India – and in Egypt as Osiris, Icic and Hourus – later in Europ as Father, Mother and Son.
The first sound or letter is as such A – This sound is the first letter in many important words – and telling us about the primary quality of this sound. We have the word ALphabet and from Arabic comes importance words as ALgabra - Alkymi and most of all Allah.
We also have the sound AI – in aikido – the sound AUM – and the sound AMEN.
The Law of 5.
The geometrical form Pentagram became known as the number of man – referring to him as a “star” – interesting – that the pentagram to day is used in most muslin and Christian’s national flags as a symbol.
All these sound are what we call vocals – that is sound of continual life. Where as consonants have a forming or limiting quality.
Looking at the body we cane pensive these qualities in basically to lines strength and a curved line or open and closed form. Musical spiking this is the sounds of major and minor.
In the human body we cane perceive 3 qualities – movements, sensations and character.
I see aikido exercises as an emanation of these 3 qualities. What we call aikido “techniques”
and harmony. However if aikido only were dancing that would be enough. What often are missing is character, the impulse that goes further than movement and sensation. We could call it moral imagination – the ability to stop the mind from wondering around in daydreaming.
So by trying to express the word A in aikido exercises we bring forth the A movement, sensation and character in body, mind and spirit and as such we becomes In harmony with, nature and cosmos.
To understand the spiritual dimension of sacred words such as AEIOU, is to me kotodama
or mantra meditation and spiritual movments.
The letter E

First: green - movment
Then: ligth yellow - feeling
End: ligth red- charakter
The letter A is composed of two straight lines forming an ankle. From a viewpoint of analytical space geometry, the letter E shows lines crossing and the basis form is here the X. A line was defined, as an infinite row of points – so were two lines crosses, they cane only do it in one and the same point.
The A was referring to the principles of “extending ki” – now in the letter E – the principle of “one point” appears. That is the focus of Ki or conscious awareness between object and subject.
It is a stat of separations between body and mind.
If we look at most animals their eyes are placed on each side of the head. That makes the sight separated. The ability to perceive in perspective is different than higher animals were the eyes are placed in front of the head.
The coordination between the functional sight and the mind is however an other matter and thou mans eyes has been placed in the front of the head – the ability to understand the law of perceptive, was first brought in to effect in the Renascence – around 1500 bc. If we look of most paintings before that period – and most obviously in ancient Egypt – we se the paintings are 2 dimensional.
If a infant child is looking at the moon it only perceive a circle – and if we roll a ball to a infant child it will in the beginning only perceive it at a 2 dimensional images. First by touching the ball time by time again and again the mind of the child begins to understand and perceive the object “ball” as a 3 D object and not only as a 2D circle.
The mind man had to go through the same evolution to perceive that the earth was not a 2D platform – but a 3D sphere – Now man is going in to space to expand its perspective of the universe in to a 4D imagination – and by going in to the Kotodama by meditation – man will go inner depart of soul and spirit or total perception of a cosmos in 5, 7 and 12 dimensions.
So the letter E is bringing us in to at stat of self remembering – that way the sight also have been called the “Sword sight”
In aikido the excesses are build by touching your partner the practise. In that way you are creating relationships to your surroundings in a 3D manner.
We are not able to bend our nose to touch our own cheek – man is not an elephant – but only by touching – by sensation of my own body or the body of my partner – we are able to leave the collative unconscious state of mind in the A sound and by separation by the “sword of the mind” the E sound or the X movement.
Is often said the aikido is based on the sword – meaning here the “life-giving sword” – that is a mind able to make the right discrimination.
The Lord Buddha, was one of the first individual on earth, who understudy that principals, and he transform his meditation in to the Law of equilibrium, The golden path or the Law of 8 meditations. Witch I hope you all know. (The meditations of Buddha in danish) http://www.sitecenter.dk/sorenz/denugentligevelse/
In the E we have the experience that some thing has happened to me – but I do not mind. I cane only perceive my life if I do it en relationship with the world – and do I look at the world – I do see my self – and am I looking in to my self I do see the world.
When I make a movement with my hands, arms, feet or legs wish make the two lines cross I am making a E sound – that is a closing movement, where the movement of A is an opening.
These movement are all so know as irimi- tenkan in aikido, many believe the to be techniques. The are not, but living movements. When we look at the Hitoriwasa, Ikkyo and Zengo wasa this becomes very obvious.
Through the activating of the muscles in the feet or in the arms – who are stressing or reaching out the tonus becomes an A. By releasing this natural tension there appears a peace or relaxation in the muscles. In the movement of E the one arm are “active” where as the other is “passive” – or opening and closing.
A very common body attitude of modern man is standing with crossed arms or legs. It is a closing of attitude – “what does that concern me” – “I am self sufficient”, but that is the aspect of ego.
Do we look at the ancient Egyptians, the Royal position were sitting with blot legs parallel.
Hands resting on the knees on a seat. Sitting on the floor this becomes Zasein from Zen.
The sitting or standing the position are in both cases: Two lines parallels. However this is referring to the last letter U in the Kododama AEIOU.
If we look at the Yoga postures. The cross legs posture, know as full or half lotus is a truly E posture.
However what many do not know about Yoga is, that it was methods form in India thousands of years ago, Many Yoga gurus or sardus are very proud of the fact. What they do not know is that the founder of the many Yoga systems The Holly Rishis created those systems at a time where the mind and body of mankind was very different that, that of modem man to day.
We also meet this argument to promote Budo – but aikido do not promote antique methods of material arts – and being proud of the antiquity of techniques. Actually one would be rather naïve to go to war with bow and arrow – living in a time where 12 years old boys are using machine pistols.
So for the argument of Yoga - the methods of for example Hatha Yoga, was actually made for conscious formation of the human skeleton.
If we look at the skeleton of an infant human baby, its skeleton I very plastically.
First when I begin to walk, the skeleton becomes more bone like and when we get old our skeleton becomes crystallised. The evolution of the human skeleton goes from a tree like quality to the quality of minerals. One of the oldest creators on earth, the shakes have kept the plastically quality of its skeleton for millions of years. The same goes for the human nose and ears and the ribbons in the chest, all made of cartilage. So part of our skeleton is closer to the plant world and others to the minerals world.
The Holy Rishies created the Hahta Yoga so that the human skeleton and posture so that the evolution of man were leading away from its primate relationship to its ancestors in the animal kingdom – the monkeys and later the Peking man and the Neanderthal.
The Prana Yuma was created for the evolution of the human lungs and perception of the Wisdom thru Prana, the Ki of the air or Pneuma, evolving the human blood system. The same cane is said about the Kindalina Yoga and its influents of the evolution of the human nerve system – Raja Yoga of the intellect and Bagthi Yoga of the devotion through feelings of the heart.
The spiritual word cane also is perceived as coalers – and more and more people do have the ability to see coalers around different object – such as human bodies or plants – also named aura –
A - as movement red-lilac
as emotion green-blue
as character light reddish
E as movement green
as emotion light yellow transparent with blue
as character surrounding very light red.
In the next letter of the spiritual word AEIOU is the ” I “ –
I will try to explain the process of the E going in to the I sound, in article no. 3
The letter U

First: blue - movment
Then: yellow - feeling
End: ligth lila
In the letter U the two principle lines are united – the straight and the curved line. In the A the two lines are forming an ankle meting in one point. In the U a curved line connects the two lines. And the two straight lines are parallel. The parallel lines was the imagination of some thing which never met, which never created at relation – it was the imagination of infinity or eternal moment.
The imagination that some things never stops or eternal space is a scaring concept – and man and science s has always tried to solve the question of the concept of eternity.
The Hindus hade a imagination excise: “Imagine a circle with a eternal radius. Imagined to mow the centre of this eternal larges circle in eternal direction. This space cane never be perceived – however when you pass the greater threshold of this space then you will understand the meaning of eternity” – This is total perception.
However science has tried to solve the question by the contemplation the question of time – and came to the conclusion that time is relative. That gave a new imagination: Space was curved with in to it self.
The Hopper Space telescope gave this scientist a choke, when the directed the focus of that telescope to a “empty” place in the sky – According to there calculations according to the speed of light, they had estimated – that through this space telescope they would get at look of the creation of light or the starts 16 millions years ago – What the did see – were 1000 of comply finished and created galaxies! Now they want to send a new space telescope in to deep space, millions of miles from the earth, so that the influence from that warm planet not will influence the super space telescope – the hop is that they then will go be one time and space of the newly discovered galaxies.
What was discovered 1000 of years ago by the Hindi masters – with out spending one dollar – the dollar making beings in America are now throwing trillions of dollars in to empty space to learn that we all ready know – will every cent is needed to solve the lively hood of people living on our planet. Very few care of the spiritualising of the biosphere of this planet and the ecosystem.
So man is looking for the answerer to questions asked by spiritual man and religions for 1000 of years getting no answer for the use in daily life
The form of U is the two parallel lines drawing each other together as one. It is the vacuum, the absorbing power of centripetal force. It is the “black whole” in the Universe.
The great Hindu mantra AUM are added the letter M to the sound AU. In the Hebrew tradition the spiritual word AMEN relates to the Hindu mantra. The meaning of these letters is to enforce the stopping influence of the eternal moments in time and space.
The eternity or never ending movement, is in the U ending in an other way that in the E sound – where self consciousness, were the one point created by the two straight lines meeting. The “rounding up” the eternal moment of the two parallel lines in a infinity of curved movement – cane be experiences in the aikido movement of tenkan.
It is a going in to a smaller space, to with draw, with out loosing sight of the soundings. It is holding on to your higher self and letting go the lower ego – it is letting go higher self and lower ego.
It is no action in action and action in no action.
My old Chinese Chan Yogi. Mr. C. M. Chen ones said: To find a room you have to find enterers. When you are in the room, you have to find an exit. When you know how to enter and how to leave – then you have no need of rooms any more.
The letter O

First: redish - movment
Then: green-yellow - feeling
End: blu - character
In letter number 4 of the AEIOU, we are introduced to a new type of lines. There are only two kinds of line in geometry – the straight line and the curved line
The O is what we call a circle. S question in the old mystery schools of Greek was asked to the student: “ When you leave the town trough the north gate, where do you then end up?” The correct answer was: “At the south gate”.
An other mystery of geometry was the question of the “square of the circle” - The old geek came to understand that a circle could be defined as “a limitless amount of lines”.
A square was easy to understand: 4 straight lines forming 4 ankles in which each ankle was 90 o - making all to gather the sum of 360 o. By cutting the corners of the square a limitless times by straight lines - the square finally came as close to a circle as mathematically possible. That was called Pi or 7 divided in to 22.
As such the circle became the symbol of infinity. The only place in nature that man could make an observation of a complete circle was when he at night looked at the sky and saw the full moon. Other places he could not see a circle.
The circles became the symbol of unity of an enclosed sphere or cosmos.
When we take an infant baby or a person we love in to our arms – we embrace the person. We care for that person by surrounding him or here with our caring attitude. Our arms and whole poster are forming the sound of O. This letter is in other words the universal compassion for all living beings.
In the Bagthi Yoga is was the discipline of devotion – The surrendering of your small ego to a higher purpose or taking refugees in the protectors – the saints or the gods compassion and love.
A very old symbol for the O was the snake, which bites its own tale. By biting it self the snake is ding of its own posing. The poising is here the medicine that kills or purified the ego. The poison gives to Adam-Eve are the intellectual understanding of life – that’s leads to “Paradise Lost” or the infant innercens of man.
The O is also seemed in the ancient symbol of the snake eating its own tale, an as such dyeing of its own poison.
The poison is however the bitter medicine man must take to wake up to full reality. And not only the reality whish began in the E and I sound – but in its spiritual self.
It is the compassion of self scarifies – that the seed are dying in the grown, so that it may multiply, with many new seeds.
In the A form, the open and wondering mind was a quality. The O form has some thing to do with perception of all that comes to us from with out and from within. From the centre and form the periphery. In this form lies a perception of totality.
In aikido we cane perceive the O form in the Nike hand – and the “absorbing power”. The much talk of sword related to aikido and “cutting power” is only one out of the 5 sounds in Kotodama.
It is the ability to create a stat of vacuum or so called weight underside – as such the movement is a deeper perception of reality.
The letter I

The sound of I.
The E letter included more lines – the letter I only have one line. We might call that the centre line also because the letter I is in the centre of the word AEIOU – witch is the basic following. The row of the letters is changes – in to EAIOU, IAEOU or any one combination.
The basis combination is only the principal idea of the archetypical imagination of the human soul.
The number of 5 has a different meaning – than if were using the number of 7 as done in the Charka Yoga or the number of 12 as done in the Astrological system. These two systems the Law of 7 are relation to the planetary influences and the Law of 12 of the fix stars or zodiac in cosmos.
However we are her only dealing with the Law of 5. That does however not mean through the number of 5 and the Spiritual Word of AEIOU, those macrocosmic influences is not involving the processes of body, soul and spirit
From A to E we cane see a progress in the evolution of mind and body and in I man is balancing the heaven and the earth - in aikido movements such as Tenchinage irmimi-tenkan and in all Kokynage exercises we are creating this harmony of the breath of the universal Ki.
In most aikido concepts the say that aikido is the art of bringing your individual Ki in harmony with your opponent, and in that way making him your partner. However this is the minor part of the truth about AIKI. The major part is to bring you individual Ki in harmony with the Universal Ki.
The I an the I – that is the mediator man between the opposites powers in nature and in the universe – between gods and devils – demons and angels.
The war of Aikido is not a matter of self defends. Aikido is a most efficient system for self defends in our time – were violence is no longer a excepted answer to solving of privates conflicts, and pistols are the most efficient weapons of self defends.
In the word I AM I – is hidden the meaning of Total Being. That what was, that what is, and that what will be.
M. Ueshiba is in his Takemuso lectures calling the “floating bright” or “the bright of light”.
In the Nordic tradition is was called “Bifrost” and that is the Rainbow – the existing and non-existing pheromone of the unity of light and water. Only visible under certain conditions.
In the Hebrew tradition, it was the first pheromone, which Noah or Manus saw when the “water ring of the sky” had ended falling to the surfaces of the earth and thus created the Great Flood.
The “I am” the threshold in evolution, where things are left behind for the benefit of receiving the living and the coming of the future. The I is a constant process of dyeing and rebirth., of scarifies, giving and transformation.
That’s way that the word Misogi or purification is a essential part of Aikido.
The exercises is in Aikido known as Sokushin No Gyo and Senshin No Gyo.
These exercises are a combination of ki-breathing exercises and pronunciations of sounds or kiai.
The exercises are combined with the use of bells to keep op the rhythm and pulls, like a conductors stick in an orchestra. However the way the bell is use, is related to the cutting power and the way Boken are used in aikido and iaodo.
The formula AEIOU cane be extended to all possible vocal and consonant sounds The AEIOU sound are all vocal sounds in a limitless way of movements - the consonants such as B, CH, D, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T and W do contain quite other functions and qualities. To make it short – Power of Forms.
The meaning of all these sounds and the many kiai and mantras is a study by it self and will be dealt with in an other context
The words used in Sokushin No Gyo is
TO, HO, KA, MI, E, MI, TA, MI.
The performing of such exercise should only be done under the direction of qualified senseis,
As it is a rather difficult process to master, and new student can be nervous or even afraid if not done with confidents.
Done correctly Sokushin No Gyo will stimulate self confidents and give the students a deeper understanding of the Law of Duality – Chaos and Cosmos and in the end, Deep inner Peace, Pax Profondis, Compassion and Love.