torsdag, august 11, 2005
The letter U

First: blue - movment
Then: yellow - feeling
End: ligth lila
In the letter U the two principle lines are united – the straight and the curved line. In the A the two lines are forming an ankle meting in one point. In the U a curved line connects the two lines. And the two straight lines are parallel. The parallel lines was the imagination of some thing which never met, which never created at relation – it was the imagination of infinity or eternal moment.
The imagination that some things never stops or eternal space is a scaring concept – and man and science s has always tried to solve the question of the concept of eternity.
The Hindus hade a imagination excise: “Imagine a circle with a eternal radius. Imagined to mow the centre of this eternal larges circle in eternal direction. This space cane never be perceived – however when you pass the greater threshold of this space then you will understand the meaning of eternity” – This is total perception.
However science has tried to solve the question by the contemplation the question of time – and came to the conclusion that time is relative. That gave a new imagination: Space was curved with in to it self.
The Hopper Space telescope gave this scientist a choke, when the directed the focus of that telescope to a “empty” place in the sky – According to there calculations according to the speed of light, they had estimated – that through this space telescope they would get at look of the creation of light or the starts 16 millions years ago – What the did see – were 1000 of comply finished and created galaxies! Now they want to send a new space telescope in to deep space, millions of miles from the earth, so that the influence from that warm planet not will influence the super space telescope – the hop is that they then will go be one time and space of the newly discovered galaxies.
What was discovered 1000 of years ago by the Hindi masters – with out spending one dollar – the dollar making beings in America are now throwing trillions of dollars in to empty space to learn that we all ready know – will every cent is needed to solve the lively hood of people living on our planet. Very few care of the spiritualising of the biosphere of this planet and the ecosystem.
So man is looking for the answerer to questions asked by spiritual man and religions for 1000 of years getting no answer for the use in daily life
The form of U is the two parallel lines drawing each other together as one. It is the vacuum, the absorbing power of centripetal force. It is the “black whole” in the Universe.
The great Hindu mantra AUM are added the letter M to the sound AU. In the Hebrew tradition the spiritual word AMEN relates to the Hindu mantra. The meaning of these letters is to enforce the stopping influence of the eternal moments in time and space.
The eternity or never ending movement, is in the U ending in an other way that in the E sound – where self consciousness, were the one point created by the two straight lines meeting. The “rounding up” the eternal moment of the two parallel lines in a infinity of curved movement – cane be experiences in the aikido movement of tenkan.
It is a going in to a smaller space, to with draw, with out loosing sight of the soundings. It is holding on to your higher self and letting go the lower ego – it is letting go higher self and lower ego.
It is no action in action and action in no action.
My old Chinese Chan Yogi. Mr. C. M. Chen ones said: To find a room you have to find enterers. When you are in the room, you have to find an exit. When you know how to enter and how to leave – then you have no need of rooms any more.