torsdag, august 11, 2005
The letter I

The sound of I.
The E letter included more lines – the letter I only have one line. We might call that the centre line also because the letter I is in the centre of the word AEIOU – witch is the basic following. The row of the letters is changes – in to EAIOU, IAEOU or any one combination.
The basis combination is only the principal idea of the archetypical imagination of the human soul.
The number of 5 has a different meaning – than if were using the number of 7 as done in the Charka Yoga or the number of 12 as done in the Astrological system. These two systems the Law of 7 are relation to the planetary influences and the Law of 12 of the fix stars or zodiac in cosmos.
However we are her only dealing with the Law of 5. That does however not mean through the number of 5 and the Spiritual Word of AEIOU, those macrocosmic influences is not involving the processes of body, soul and spirit
From A to E we cane see a progress in the evolution of mind and body and in I man is balancing the heaven and the earth - in aikido movements such as Tenchinage irmimi-tenkan and in all Kokynage exercises we are creating this harmony of the breath of the universal Ki.
In most aikido concepts the say that aikido is the art of bringing your individual Ki in harmony with your opponent, and in that way making him your partner. However this is the minor part of the truth about AIKI. The major part is to bring you individual Ki in harmony with the Universal Ki.
The I an the I – that is the mediator man between the opposites powers in nature and in the universe – between gods and devils – demons and angels.
The war of Aikido is not a matter of self defends. Aikido is a most efficient system for self defends in our time – were violence is no longer a excepted answer to solving of privates conflicts, and pistols are the most efficient weapons of self defends.
In the word I AM I – is hidden the meaning of Total Being. That what was, that what is, and that what will be.
M. Ueshiba is in his Takemuso lectures calling the “floating bright” or “the bright of light”.
In the Nordic tradition is was called “Bifrost” and that is the Rainbow – the existing and non-existing pheromone of the unity of light and water. Only visible under certain conditions.
In the Hebrew tradition, it was the first pheromone, which Noah or Manus saw when the “water ring of the sky” had ended falling to the surfaces of the earth and thus created the Great Flood.
The “I am” the threshold in evolution, where things are left behind for the benefit of receiving the living and the coming of the future. The I is a constant process of dyeing and rebirth., of scarifies, giving and transformation.
That’s way that the word Misogi or purification is a essential part of Aikido.
The exercises is in Aikido known as Sokushin No Gyo and Senshin No Gyo.
These exercises are a combination of ki-breathing exercises and pronunciations of sounds or kiai.
The exercises are combined with the use of bells to keep op the rhythm and pulls, like a conductors stick in an orchestra. However the way the bell is use, is related to the cutting power and the way Boken are used in aikido and iaodo.
The formula AEIOU cane be extended to all possible vocal and consonant sounds The AEIOU sound are all vocal sounds in a limitless way of movements - the consonants such as B, CH, D, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T and W do contain quite other functions and qualities. To make it short – Power of Forms.
The meaning of all these sounds and the many kiai and mantras is a study by it self and will be dealt with in an other context
The words used in Sokushin No Gyo is
TO, HO, KA, MI, E, MI, TA, MI.
The performing of such exercise should only be done under the direction of qualified senseis,
As it is a rather difficult process to master, and new student can be nervous or even afraid if not done with confidents.
Done correctly Sokushin No Gyo will stimulate self confidents and give the students a deeper understanding of the Law of Duality – Chaos and Cosmos and in the end, Deep inner Peace, Pax Profondis, Compassion and Love.