torsdag, august 11, 2005
The letter E

First: green - movment
Then: ligth yellow - feeling
End: ligth red- charakter
The letter A is composed of two straight lines forming an ankle. From a viewpoint of analytical space geometry, the letter E shows lines crossing and the basis form is here the X. A line was defined, as an infinite row of points – so were two lines crosses, they cane only do it in one and the same point.
The A was referring to the principles of “extending ki” – now in the letter E – the principle of “one point” appears. That is the focus of Ki or conscious awareness between object and subject.
It is a stat of separations between body and mind.
If we look at most animals their eyes are placed on each side of the head. That makes the sight separated. The ability to perceive in perspective is different than higher animals were the eyes are placed in front of the head.
The coordination between the functional sight and the mind is however an other matter and thou mans eyes has been placed in the front of the head – the ability to understand the law of perceptive, was first brought in to effect in the Renascence – around 1500 bc. If we look of most paintings before that period – and most obviously in ancient Egypt – we se the paintings are 2 dimensional.
If a infant child is looking at the moon it only perceive a circle – and if we roll a ball to a infant child it will in the beginning only perceive it at a 2 dimensional images. First by touching the ball time by time again and again the mind of the child begins to understand and perceive the object “ball” as a 3 D object and not only as a 2D circle.
The mind man had to go through the same evolution to perceive that the earth was not a 2D platform – but a 3D sphere – Now man is going in to space to expand its perspective of the universe in to a 4D imagination – and by going in to the Kotodama by meditation – man will go inner depart of soul and spirit or total perception of a cosmos in 5, 7 and 12 dimensions.
So the letter E is bringing us in to at stat of self remembering – that way the sight also have been called the “Sword sight”
In aikido the excesses are build by touching your partner the practise. In that way you are creating relationships to your surroundings in a 3D manner.
We are not able to bend our nose to touch our own cheek – man is not an elephant – but only by touching – by sensation of my own body or the body of my partner – we are able to leave the collative unconscious state of mind in the A sound and by separation by the “sword of the mind” the E sound or the X movement.
Is often said the aikido is based on the sword – meaning here the “life-giving sword” – that is a mind able to make the right discrimination.
The Lord Buddha, was one of the first individual on earth, who understudy that principals, and he transform his meditation in to the Law of equilibrium, The golden path or the Law of 8 meditations. Witch I hope you all know. (The meditations of Buddha in danish)
In the E we have the experience that some thing has happened to me – but I do not mind. I cane only perceive my life if I do it en relationship with the world – and do I look at the world – I do see my self – and am I looking in to my self I do see the world.
When I make a movement with my hands, arms, feet or legs wish make the two lines cross I am making a E sound – that is a closing movement, where the movement of A is an opening.
These movement are all so know as irimi- tenkan in aikido, many believe the to be techniques. The are not, but living movements. When we look at the Hitoriwasa, Ikkyo and Zengo wasa this becomes very obvious.
Through the activating of the muscles in the feet or in the arms – who are stressing or reaching out the tonus becomes an A. By releasing this natural tension there appears a peace or relaxation in the muscles. In the movement of E the one arm are “active” where as the other is “passive” – or opening and closing.
A very common body attitude of modern man is standing with crossed arms or legs. It is a closing of attitude – “what does that concern me” – “I am self sufficient”, but that is the aspect of ego.
Do we look at the ancient Egyptians, the Royal position were sitting with blot legs parallel.
Hands resting on the knees on a seat. Sitting on the floor this becomes Zasein from Zen.
The sitting or standing the position are in both cases: Two lines parallels. However this is referring to the last letter U in the Kododama AEIOU.
If we look at the Yoga postures. The cross legs posture, know as full or half lotus is a truly E posture.
However what many do not know about Yoga is, that it was methods form in India thousands of years ago, Many Yoga gurus or sardus are very proud of the fact. What they do not know is that the founder of the many Yoga systems The Holly Rishis created those systems at a time where the mind and body of mankind was very different that, that of modem man to day.
We also meet this argument to promote Budo – but aikido do not promote antique methods of material arts – and being proud of the antiquity of techniques. Actually one would be rather naïve to go to war with bow and arrow – living in a time where 12 years old boys are using machine pistols.
So for the argument of Yoga - the methods of for example Hatha Yoga, was actually made for conscious formation of the human skeleton.
If we look at the skeleton of an infant human baby, its skeleton I very plastically.
First when I begin to walk, the skeleton becomes more bone like and when we get old our skeleton becomes crystallised. The evolution of the human skeleton goes from a tree like quality to the quality of minerals. One of the oldest creators on earth, the shakes have kept the plastically quality of its skeleton for millions of years. The same goes for the human nose and ears and the ribbons in the chest, all made of cartilage. So part of our skeleton is closer to the plant world and others to the minerals world.
The Holy Rishies created the Hahta Yoga so that the human skeleton and posture so that the evolution of man were leading away from its primate relationship to its ancestors in the animal kingdom – the monkeys and later the Peking man and the Neanderthal.
The Prana Yuma was created for the evolution of the human lungs and perception of the Wisdom thru Prana, the Ki of the air or Pneuma, evolving the human blood system. The same cane is said about the Kindalina Yoga and its influents of the evolution of the human nerve system – Raja Yoga of the intellect and Bagthi Yoga of the devotion through feelings of the heart.
The spiritual word cane also is perceived as coalers – and more and more people do have the ability to see coalers around different object – such as human bodies or plants – also named aura –
A - as movement red-lilac
as emotion green-blue
as character light reddish
E as movement green
as emotion light yellow transparent with blue
as character surrounding very light red.
In the next letter of the spiritual word AEIOU is the ” I “ –
I will try to explain the process of the E going in to the I sound, in article no. 3