torsdag, august 11, 2005
The letter O

First: redish - movment
Then: green-yellow - feeling
End: blu - character
In letter number 4 of the AEIOU, we are introduced to a new type of lines. There are only two kinds of line in geometry – the straight line and the curved line
The O is what we call a circle. S question in the old mystery schools of Greek was asked to the student: “ When you leave the town trough the north gate, where do you then end up?” The correct answer was: “At the south gate”.
An other mystery of geometry was the question of the “square of the circle” - The old geek came to understand that a circle could be defined as “a limitless amount of lines”.
A square was easy to understand: 4 straight lines forming 4 ankles in which each ankle was 90 o - making all to gather the sum of 360 o. By cutting the corners of the square a limitless times by straight lines - the square finally came as close to a circle as mathematically possible. That was called Pi or 7 divided in to 22.
As such the circle became the symbol of infinity. The only place in nature that man could make an observation of a complete circle was when he at night looked at the sky and saw the full moon. Other places he could not see a circle.
The circles became the symbol of unity of an enclosed sphere or cosmos.
When we take an infant baby or a person we love in to our arms – we embrace the person. We care for that person by surrounding him or here with our caring attitude. Our arms and whole poster are forming the sound of O. This letter is in other words the universal compassion for all living beings.
In the Bagthi Yoga is was the discipline of devotion – The surrendering of your small ego to a higher purpose or taking refugees in the protectors – the saints or the gods compassion and love.
A very old symbol for the O was the snake, which bites its own tale. By biting it self the snake is ding of its own posing. The poising is here the medicine that kills or purified the ego. The poison gives to Adam-Eve are the intellectual understanding of life – that’s leads to “Paradise Lost” or the infant innercens of man.
The O is also seemed in the ancient symbol of the snake eating its own tale, an as such dyeing of its own poison.
The poison is however the bitter medicine man must take to wake up to full reality. And not only the reality whish began in the E and I sound – but in its spiritual self.
It is the compassion of self scarifies – that the seed are dying in the grown, so that it may multiply, with many new seeds.
In the A form, the open and wondering mind was a quality. The O form has some thing to do with perception of all that comes to us from with out and from within. From the centre and form the periphery. In this form lies a perception of totality.
In aikido we cane perceive the O form in the Nike hand – and the “absorbing power”. The much talk of sword related to aikido and “cutting power” is only one out of the 5 sounds in Kotodama.
It is the ability to create a stat of vacuum or so called weight underside – as such the movement is a deeper perception of reality.